Sunday 3 July 2022

Library bestiary part 3 - demons and other dangers

Part 3 of the cursed library bestiary. Find part 1 here and part 2 here.

The book-creatures described in part 2 aren't much of a threat, except in large groups. The real danger of them is that they might cause noise. This attracts the attention of ghosts, demons, or worst of all - The Silence.


Librarians float around the shelves at random. They occupy themselves reshelving books to their personal system. Books are precious to them. When enraged, they may forget that and use one as a weapon.
AC 9 [10] + special, HD 3* (14 HP), ATT 1 x charge or book bludgeon (see specials), THACO 16 [+3], MV 120' (40'), SV 12 13 14 15 16 (F3), ML 10, AL Lawful, XP 80, NA 1d3 (1d3), TT None (on 1 in 6 a librarian will have a single scroll)
Specials: Mundane damage immunity
Charge - deal 1d6 cold damage and paralysis for a round by passing through a target. Save vs breath negates.
Book bludgeon - when hit, librarians become enraged on 2 in 6. In this state, they may attack by hurling a book via telekinesis. Automatically hits, 1d4 improvised weapon damage.
Paintings like to attack from concealment, and drag victims back into their frames. Perhaps they make interesting scenery.
AC 7 [12], HD 4* (18 HP), ATT 1 by weapon, THACO 15 [+4], MV 120' (40'), SV 10 11 12 13 14 (F4), ML 8, AL Lawful, XP 130, NA 1 (1d3), TT S
Specials: Paintings are immune to piercing or bashing damage and take double damage from fire. 
Lead white: Burning paintings emit toxic fumes. Characters within 5 feet take -2 to next turn. Save vs breath negates.
Drag: on a successful attack, a painting can choose to disarm rather than inflict damage. Disarming succeeds on a STR vs STR roll. The target is automatically grappled and may be dragged into a painting.

Knots of emotion and psychic force which fling objects to express themselves. Poltergeists are attracted to strong emotions among characters. They sense these from several rooms away.

AC 9 [10], HD 3* (14 HP), ATT 1 x 1d4, THACO 16 [+3], MV 90' (30'), SV 12 13 14 15 16 (F3), ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 80, NA 1 (1), TT None
Specials: Mundane damage immunity
Invisibility (as spell), permanent
Telekinesis (as spell), twice daily
Living statues
Slow but powerful. They carry books, and they want the characters to read them. Statues don't speak or show any emotion. Once a character passes by, it noiselessly steps down from its plinth and follows. When the character pauses, it closes the distance for a grapple attempt. If successful, they force the character to read one of the unsettling passages in their book. At 0 HP they crumble to fragments.

AC 3 [16], HD 6 (30 HP), ATT 1 x 1d6, THACO 16 [+3], MV 60' (20'), SV 10 11 12 13 14 (F6), ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 275, NA 1 (1d3), TT None (1 book as cursed scroll)

Specials: Statues do not receive a bonus to attacking retreating opponents.
Harsh truth: If forced to read from a statue's book, a character develops a phobia or hindering mental condition until leaving the library. Save vs devices negates.



Shaggy Halfling-sized creatures. They hunt alone, then howl to summon their pack when they spot prey. Howlers are lesser demons - mindless, hungry beasts. They creep in where earthly space becomes corrupt enough to permit them. Books mean nothing to them. They're often killed by other supernatural creatures for damaging them.

AC 8 [12], HD 1 (4 HP), ATT 1 x bite (1d6) or 2 x claw (1d4), THACO 18 [+1], MV 120' (40'), SV 12 13 14 15 16 (F1), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 80, NA 2d6 (2d6), TT None
Merry little tricksters. They think jokes that involve someone getting hurt are the funniest. They'll grease your sword hilt. They'll tie your boots together and yell to disturb a ghost. They'll stuff an angry ferret in your lunchbox.
AC 3 [16], HD 1 (4 HP), ATT -, THACO 18 [+1], MV 120' (40'), SV 12 13 14 15 16 (F1), ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 10, NA 2d10 (3d12), TT P
Greater demons

They're here to consult a book, like you are. They don't appreciate being disturbed.
AC 4 [15], HD 6* (27 HP), ATT 1 by weapon or special (see list), THACO 13 [+6], MV 120' (40'), SV 10 11 12 13 14 (F6), ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 1050, NA 1 (-), TT I
Supernatural attacks: the demon will have one of the following powers.
  • Scorpion tail, 1d8 + poison
  • Acid breath, 1d6 + fills a square for 3 rounds
  • Flaming claws, 2d6
  • Insect swarm, 1d4 + -1 per round for 3 rounds
  • Tongue tentacle, 1d6 constriction damage + lost turn
  • Shriek, 1d4 + -2 from ghostly visions for 3 rounds, save vs paralysis negates
Magic: A greater demon will know 1d6 spells from Dispel Magic, Protection from Good, Invisibility, Detect Invisible, Mirror image, Hold Portal.
Retainers: The demon is accompanied by 1d4-1 retainers who will fight to the death to protect it. As Fighter 3.

The Silence

The Silence isn't a physical presence. It's a leaden tiredness that comes over you. It makes your weapons heavy and your pack uncomfortable. You feel like you've been walking for days. The room is stuffy and dim. The gloom seems to swallow up noise. Surely you can take five minutes to sit and rest, maybe read a little...

Noise attracts it, especially talking. Each turn spent in its presence, save vs magic. On success, nothing happens. On failure, lose 1d4 HP without noticing. Leaving The Silence's influence is as easy as stepping into the next room, but it follows at a rate of 1 room/turn.

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