Saturday 24 September 2022

Magic item: Mini-iceberg maker

A pair of magic skates that freeze water to ice under your feet and are completely impossible to use safely.

When Robert Griffensmere, the youngest scion of the Griffensmere family, fell in love with the youngest daughter of the rival Dunbridge family the heads of both houses were furious. Both teens were confined to their respective households and forbidden to communicate.

The houses were separated by a wide bay which routinely froze over during winter. Robert was a strong skater and looked forward to gliding to his lover over a path of ice. But he didn't want to wait until winter. He had the household conjurer make him a pair of ice skates that would freeze the water under him as he moved.

When he tried them, he discovered that it's much easier to balance on a solid sea of ice than on two square feet of it, rocked by waves and his shifting weight. He tipped into the water and found to his horror that his skates were now frozen to an ice boulder. He was floating, but head-down. Unable to free himself quickly enough, he drowned.

The first people to investigate the floating patches of ice in the bay on a warm spring morning were a privateer crew on their way to harass shipping lanes. The captain immediately recognised the potential of what he found. He had the body lifted aboard and coated in tar to preserve it.

Now the ship drags Robert and his magical skates behind them to create a wall of mini-bergs to damage or delay small target ships.

Mini-iceberg maker

Usage: All characters
Charge: Permanent
Appearance: Two skates attached to a tar-coated corpse. When dropped in water it floats upside-down and forms ice on the skates.

Saturday 17 September 2022

Magic item: Spoons of revealing

A magic item that can tell you where you food came from.

This item consists of three wooden spoons, each with a hole bored through the handle halfway along its length. They come with a tapering ivory rod. If the spoons are slipped onto the rod, they sit at different heights and turn easily.

If you've eaten a meal or ration using all three of the spoons, they swing to point at:

  • The field or pasture the main ingredient came from
  • The oven where it was cooked
  • The water source used in preparing it.

If the meal was prepared without one of those things (eg. dried meat or pickled vegetables), the spoons rotate but can't settle on a direction.

Duke Buckley took a lot of pleasure in being a food snob. He squeezed his peasants for taxes to pay for the best of everything. Spices from far-away lands, meat from animals bred for tenderness, vintage wines. He had a wizard craft the spoons so he could boast that he knew every step of every meal's preparation.

He should have paid the wizard for a Detect Poison spell. Or been willing to share his meals with a poison taster. He might have lived to enjoy more of them. His last meal of braised game hen with saffron contained enough hemlock to kill a bull. Squeezed peasants sometimes squeeze back.

The assassin took the spoons as loot and sold them back to the wizard who made them. The wizard suspected that a delivery of eel fillets came from further away than the seller claimed, and was the cause of his stomach gripes.

Usage: All characters
Charges: 1d10
Appearance: Three ordinary wooden spoons and an ivory rod. A heavy mahogany base slotted to hold them.

Saturday 10 September 2022

Orchestral bestiary

The orchestra went mad while struggling through the Sequenzas. They turned feral and fled into the formal gardens. They live there now, eating whatever they can hunt or forage. You can hear them late at night, playing strange and discordant requiems.

It's only surprising it didn't happen sooner.


A skinny woman in a tattered gown, dirt streaked under her wild eyes like war paint. She taught herself to fire darts from her flute. They're smeared with toxins she collects by milking plants in the poison garden.

AC 6 [13], HD 1* (4 HP), ATT 1 x dart (1d4 + poison), THAC0 19 [0], MV 120' (40'), SV 12 13 14 15 16 (F1), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 13, NA 1 (1d3), TT R

Specials: Poison. Death in 1d6 rounds, death save negates.

Tuba player

A tremendously fat man, his shirt buttons strain to contain him. He stalks, barefoot, like a predatory building and uses his tuba to fire actual cannonballs. Where did he get them?

AC 5 [14], HD 6 (27 HP), ATT 1 x cannonball (1d10, full round reload), THAC0 14 [5], MV 120' (40'), SV 10 11 12 13 14 (F6), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 275, NA 1 (1d2), TT T


This one was probably a bit loopy even before that fateful day. His tuxedo is stained with blood. He's filed the edges of his cymbals and teeth to razor-sharpness. He giggles and whispers to himself while he uses them both.

AC 6 [13], HD 3 (14 HP), ATT 2 x cymbals (1d6) or 1 x bite (1d6), THAC0 17 [2], MV 120' (40'), SV 12 13 14 15 16 (F3), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 35, NA 1 (1), TT S

Triangle player

No-one's afraid of the triangle player. His only job is to go ting! No-one respects him. Even the other musicians push him around. Maybe that's why he ditched his triangle and picked up an axe. 

AC 5 [14], HD 2 (9 HP), ATT 1 x axe (1d6), THAC0 18 [1], MV 120' (40'), SV 12 13 14 15 16 (F2), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 20, NA 1 (0), TT P


If a wandering martial arts sage saw this guy fight, they'd immediately adopt the cello as their clan's signature weapon. He can swing it like a mace, stab with the end spike or fire arrows from the strings. I think he's been secretly planning to murder the brass section for a long time.

AC 7 [12], HD 4 (18 HP), ATT 1 x swing (1d6) or stab (1d4) or arrow (1d6), THAC0 15 [4], MV 120' (40'), SV 10 11 12 13 14 (F4), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 75, NA 1 (1d3), TT R


The orchestra's diva. Everything is done with a little flourish. Even swinging that violin bow at you like a sabre.

AC 5 [15], HD 5 (23 HP), ATT 1 x bow (1d6), THAC0 15 [4], MV 120' (40'), SV 10 11 12 13 14 (F5), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 175, NA 1 (2d3), TT T


Wild-haired, twitch-eyed, muttering in German. He hates his musicians as much as he hates you.

AC 3 [16], HD 7 (32 HP), ATT 1 x baton (1d6), THAC0 13 [6], MV 120' (40'), SV 8 9 10 11 12 (F7), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 450, NA 1 (0), TT T

Saturday 3 September 2022

The why of Witches

A set of tables for rolling up a witch's situation and motives. She could be ally or antagonist. 

This witch is (1d6):

  1. A girl barely in her teens
  2. A young woman
  3. A middle-aged woman
  4. A crone
  5. An ageless creature cloaked in illusion
  6. Just a voice from a shadowed corner

Who specialises in (1d6):

  1. Potions
  2. Protective charms
  3. Reading the future in a glass
  4. Curses
  5. Spells to soften the heart and lull the will
  6. Controlling animals

And lives in (1d6):

  1. A hut
  2. A tidy cottage
  3. A ruined castle
  4. A tree
  5. A swamp hovel
  6. A cave

She turned to witchcraft because (1d6):

  1. Every woman in her line passes the knowledge to a daughter
  2. She wanted to harm an enemy
  3. Her community needed a wise woman
  4. It gave her the power to control her fate
  5. She had the gift from birth
  6. A family member needed supernatural healing

Her customers are (1d6):

  1. Followers of a suppressed religion
  2. Local town-folk
  3. Criminals
  4. Adventurers
  5. A high-born family
  6. Unseen things of the forest and field

And they want: (1d6):

  1. Visions of the future
  2. Protection for a hidden enterprise
  3. Revenge on a third party
  4. Advice on personal problems
  5. Health tonics and herbal remedies
  6. Spells to ease their way to a goal

Her biggest problem is (1d6):

  1. A demon suitor
  2. A paranoid official
  3. A zealous priest
  4. A rival magic-user
  5. A corrupted spell
  6. An evil fate

Her biggest advantage is (1d6):

  1. A protective amulet
  2. A hidden sanctuary
  3. A rich customer's secrets
  4. A way of travelling that can't be followed
  5. The good will of the land itself
  6. A chest of gold

Her ally is (1d6):

  1. A forest spirit
  2. A fierce familiar
  3. A grateful community
  4. A minor demon
  5. A skilled criminal
  6. A fellow witch

Her interest in adventurers is (1d6):

  1. Obtaining magical components
  2. Delivering magical items
  3. Protection
  4. Acquiring 'servants' who won't be missed
  5. Cleaning up a magical accident
  6. Because sometimes a stab wound is the best curse there is

Click here to randomly generate:

(Thanks to Spwack of the Slight Adjustments blog for the generator code.)