Saturday 23 July 2022

The Why of Wizards

Tables for generating NPC wizards.

It's a hazardous occupation, wizarding. Searching the constellations for meaning, summoning and binding hostile spirits, effing with the ineffable. You wouldn't expect a wizard to be average.

This wizard is a(n) (3d6):

  1. Irritable
  2. Morose
  3. Excitable
  4. Cryptic
  5. Arrogant
  6. Forgetful

    1. Young
    2. Old
    3. Ancient
    4. Ageless
    5. Mutated
    6. Hidden
  1. Summoner
  2. Enchanter
  3. Alchemist
  4. Elementalist
  5. Necromancer
  6. Diviner

Their laboratory is in/on a (1d6):

  1. Tower
  2. Castle
  3. Manor house
  4. Hut
  5. Ship
  6. Cart

Their magic is tinged with (1d6):

  1. Fire
  2. Darkness
  3. Motion
  4. Colour
  5. Music 
  6. Crystals

Locals treat them with (1d6):

  1. Fear
  2. Reverence
  3. Amused contempt
  4. Resentment
  5. Indifference
  6. Bemusement

Rumour says they (1d6):

  1. Have a pact with demons
  2. Won a game with a god
  3. Advised a ruler
  4. Travel by night in owl form
  5. Turned a bandit gang into pigs
  6. Eat and drink only poison

And want to (1d6):

  1. Conquer the kingdom
  2. Return a loved one to life
  3. Understand the gods' true nature
  4. Answer an ancient riddle
  5. Usurp a demon lord
  6. Dispel a curse that affects them

Their actual goal is (1d6)

  1. Personal spiritual development
  2. Unlimited knowledge
  3. A rival's destruction
  4. Immortality
  5. Protect a political ally
  6. Fulfil a supernatural bargain and be free 

Click here to randomly generate:

(Thanks to Spwack of the Slight Adjustments blog for the generator code.)

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