Saturday 29 October 2022

Chess set bestiary

A bestiary of creatures resembling slightly larger than man-size chess pieces. As always, a wizard did it.

The first generation of these beasts probably started their lives as farm animals. The unknown wizard warped them to resemble the pieces of a chess set. Perhaps as living decoration for some noble's lawn.

Now they run wild, nesting wherever they find croquet hoops, topiaries and lawn furniture. Not much of a threat to the seasoned adventurer, but commoners would be well advised to let professionals handle them. 

These creatures are hard to hurt, but don't do much damage individually.


Pawns are the juvenile form of the chesspiece. They only grow as high as a human's eyes. As they get older they take the form of whatever piece is missing from the set. If the set is complete, they stay small and immature.

AC 4 [15], HD 2 (9 HP), ATT 1 x peck (1d4), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120' (40'), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML 8 (10 in pack), AL Neutral, XP 20, NA 1d3 (2d4), TT none


When surprised, threatened, angry, or even just bored, the rook will lower its battlements and charge. It prefers to charge enemies, but any moving thing will do.

AC 4 [15], HD 2+2 (11 HP), ATT 1 x butt (1d4), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 120' (40'), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 25, NA 1d2 (2), TT none


Knights are the fastest of the chesspieces, but once they start a charge they can't easily stop it. If they need to, they'll attempt to leap an enemy and circle for another attack. They use their hooves as weapons.

AC 4 [15], HD 3 (13 HP), ATT 1 x trample (1d4), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 240' (80'), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 35, NA 1d2 (2), TT none


Bishops scuttle around on crab-like legs, approaching a target obliquely. They attack with giant pincers, normally kept hidden under their robes.

AC 4 [15], HD 3 (13 HP), ATT 1 x snip (1d4), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120' (40'), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3), ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 35, NA 1d2 (2), TT none


The most agile piece. The queen has six strong legs under her skirt, with gripping talons like an eagle's. She can run, jump and corner with grace. She also has a natural sceptre attack.

AC 4 [15], HD 3+3 (16 HP), ATT 1 x talons (1d4) or sceptre (1d6), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 180' (60'), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3), ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 50, NA 1 (1), TT none


The King can mimic speech like a parrot. He'll often repeat phrases he's been taught, like "reinforce the archers", "send the pikemen forward" and "at them, men!" In a fight, his movements are slow and ponderous.

AC 4 [15], HD 4 (18 HP), ATT 1 x shove (-), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 60' (20'), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 75, NA 1 (1), TT none

Herds of chesspieces appear in either black, white or red plumage. Their preferred targets are pieces of different colours. Even so, they're prepared to attack anything vaguely threatening they come across in their territory,

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