Saturday 3 September 2022

The why of Witches

A set of tables for rolling up a witch's situation and motives. She could be ally or antagonist. 

This witch is (1d6):

  1. A girl barely in her teens
  2. A young woman
  3. A middle-aged woman
  4. A crone
  5. An ageless creature cloaked in illusion
  6. Just a voice from a shadowed corner

Who specialises in (1d6):

  1. Potions
  2. Protective charms
  3. Reading the future in a glass
  4. Curses
  5. Spells to soften the heart and lull the will
  6. Controlling animals

And lives in (1d6):

  1. A hut
  2. A tidy cottage
  3. A ruined castle
  4. A tree
  5. A swamp hovel
  6. A cave

She turned to witchcraft because (1d6):

  1. Every woman in her line passes the knowledge to a daughter
  2. She wanted to harm an enemy
  3. Her community needed a wise woman
  4. It gave her the power to control her fate
  5. She had the gift from birth
  6. A family member needed supernatural healing

Her customers are (1d6):

  1. Followers of a suppressed religion
  2. Local town-folk
  3. Criminals
  4. Adventurers
  5. A high-born family
  6. Unseen things of the forest and field

And they want: (1d6):

  1. Visions of the future
  2. Protection for a hidden enterprise
  3. Revenge on a third party
  4. Advice on personal problems
  5. Health tonics and herbal remedies
  6. Spells to ease their way to a goal

Her biggest problem is (1d6):

  1. A demon suitor
  2. A paranoid official
  3. A zealous priest
  4. A rival magic-user
  5. A corrupted spell
  6. An evil fate

Her biggest advantage is (1d6):

  1. A protective amulet
  2. A hidden sanctuary
  3. A rich customer's secrets
  4. A way of travelling that can't be followed
  5. The good will of the land itself
  6. A chest of gold

Her ally is (1d6):

  1. A forest spirit
  2. A fierce familiar
  3. A grateful community
  4. A minor demon
  5. A skilled criminal
  6. A fellow witch

Her interest in adventurers is (1d6):

  1. Obtaining magical components
  2. Delivering magical items
  3. Protection
  4. Acquiring 'servants' who won't be missed
  5. Cleaning up a magical accident
  6. Because sometimes a stab wound is the best curse there is

Click here to randomly generate:

(Thanks to Spwack of the Slight Adjustments blog for the generator code.)

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