Wednesday 22 May 2024

Smack my witch up

Last night's Pathfinder 1e game was one of those epic sessions that happens maybe once or twice in a lifetime.

The party of four PCs and a wolf were facing off against a higher-level Bugbear decked out with two magic shortswords and magic armour that gave him a stupidly high AC. We couldn't seem to touch him and he was downing a PC every round, mocking us as we dropped. Boom, the witch went down. Boom, the wolf. Boom, the druid wildshaped into jaguar form. Boom, ranger.

The brawler took a couple of savage hits, but stayed on her feet. The Bugbear had been doing 10+ damage per hit with three attacks per round, and just one more of those would probably be the end of her. The brawler is played by Tim, and some sessions Tim's dice don't seem to love him.

Fortunately her final roll was a critical hit for near-maximum damage. She punched the soul clean out of that Bugbear's body!

This is why I'm a roleplayer, friends.

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